Monday 3 October 2011


America's  so called GLOBAL War on Terror  (GWOT) is not only creating instability to the entire Globe  but eating into the vitals of its own viability as super power in the world! After 9\11,terror attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade centre and Pentagon ten years back , there have been many  changes in the political dimension in the entire world. America, once considered the super power and its exconomic bases at its zenith  is passing through one of the most critical phase of its political and economic survival. Its economic downtrend is  posing a big question mark-"will US survive the set back?" America and its major allies in Europe are under severe economic strains.
Like his predecessor Bush of Republican Party, the president of America of Democrat Obama is also  following the same dangerous foot-print in waging war against terror and creating panic in the entire globe.Although such step of the American government on GWOT is giving to the people of dangerous signal to entire America and Europe , they appear helpless. Gradually once known for the "sense of belonging among  Americans", the US  perhaps appears to have deviated from its cherished path.From hindsight view, it appears that US is fighting  for its security in view of 9\11 terror attack,, killing over  3000 people in  Washington,  living in and around the twin towers of World Trade Centre  as well as the targeting of Pentagon building, housing important offices of the American government. Exactly in the aftermath of the attack, the US has developed more of its imperialistic design to spread its influence in the world, particularly West Asia and Arab  world . By such thinking among American leadership, US is alienating the Muslims and their Islamic tenants at all cost particularly in West Asia and also to capture the oil resources of the world under its influence. Such attitude of US has changed the course of  geographically , economically and historically trends in the present day world.
Apparently it appears that GWOT of America is to finish its enemies. a recent of Pew Research Centre's opinion poll, released on September 01, 2011 has indicated that vast majority of people of America are of the opinion that war on Iraq and Afghanistan  have aggravated the threat of terrorism. Many of them have also objected the internal censorship by the  US government about checking their mails and also monitoring personal calls.Only 25 percent people of America admit that  war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq have decreased the threat of terror.
War against terror by America has witnessed enough blood-letting in different countries and peoples' miseries have aggravated. After 9\11 attack, the US has failed to analyse the things after 9\11 attacks and its indiscriminate war against terror in Arab world, Middle East other  major parts of South-East Asia have resulted into alienation of  the Muslims population of the whole  specially Arab world.
On economic front alone US has suffered much because of prolonged war against terror and economic down trend started.War on Afghanistan has been costing America 8$ billion a month. Apart from that, cost on war on America in both Afghanistan  and Iraq have cost $ 5 trillion so far.Many noted economists in US  have termed that because of expenditure on war have become cause of decline in its economy. The Nobel prize winner in Economics of America Joseph Stiglitz has studied the war expenditures of US on Iraq and Afghanistan and has cautioned the American government in 2003 that war on these two countries would adversely affect the economy particularly on education, health, research and environment in the US. He has pointed out after about seven  years, in an article in 2010 In Washington Post ,that after military action in both the countries oil price has increased by $140 a barrel in 2008 incomparision to $25 a barrel when the war on terror was started in Iraq eight years ago.It has not only hit the economy of US but almost all countries of the globe. Result:: The latest figure of American government, released in the second week of September, has stated " one out every six American today lives below the official poverty line."
According to US Census bureau report, a record 66.2 million Americans are living in poverty. Expenditure of US on defence and homeland security have increased to $6.7 trillion.All these things have added collapse of American economy.
Historically, the last major civil war occurred in America in 1861-65. Over half a million people had died in that civil war. Impact of that industrial civil war was  immense. Columnist Vijay Prasad in his recent article in the Fortnightly-Front Line has said ,"no such  large-scale bloodletting took place within the territory, apart from the wars against the Amerindians in the American west in the last few decades of the 19th century. Henceforth , the US took its battles to other peoples' land, the Philippines,Cuba, Puerto, Rico, Central America, west Asia, the long war in Europe (1914-1945) and the wars of the  Pacific and Africa.the shock of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941) has to be understood in this context. No wonder that President Franklin Roosevelt called it "a date which live in infamy."
More over,  apart from GWOT ,the real motive of US has come to surface when foreign policy wing of neoconservatives created the Project for a New American Century (1997-2006) ,on that basis, released in 2000 a report , "Rebuilding America's Defences" for increasing "military spending and using the massive US military power to capture political and physical resources around the world". The project has requested the US government "to build up a military and construct an a foreign policy to spread American values around the planet-thus called "a new Pearl Harbour" policy of US."Significantly between  September 11, 2001 and may 2011, the national priority project shows the US  exchequer spent $7.6 trillion in defence and homeland security. Economy of the US has been rightly and comparatively down graded by Standard and Poor's (S&P), reflecting that the "views that effectiveness, stability and predictably of American foreign policy and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges."The net effect of 9\11 for the US economy has meant downgrading in the US federal debt to AA plus from the risk free rating of AAA.
Significant aspect of GWOT is that in the name of fighting terrorism, the human rights, rule of law, the liberty have been compromised drastically all over the world.According to confirmed and authenticated report, the death figure because of GWOT, have reached over 150,000 in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Over 7.8 million have become refugees because the war by America on terrorism."War on Iraq  cost  more than $3trillion," says Stiglithas in his piece in Washington Post. He has observed , " the global financial crisis was due, at last least in part, , to the war higher oil prices meant that money spent buying oil abroad, was money not being spent at home."Significantly US is under heavy debt =-even China and India had given monetary loan assistance to America in this critical juncture.
The 9\11 attack and subsequent fighting terror throughout the globe put its economy at the lowest ebb while China remained engaged to build up its own economic power.The prolonged and unnecessary war by US , knowingly and unknowingly continued to  siphon off American economy .On the other hand China progressed well to maintain its economic strength in the global,economy on the global arena, sitting on trillion of $ in surpluses.It may be recalled here tht in view of might of China among world power, US compromised from its stand of open hostilities with China. in July 2001 secretary of stae Colin Powell had visited Beijing and assuaged the hurt feeling of China because of some uneasy calm wityh US and said, " we are not enemies, we are looking for cooperation********"The Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, while addressing world economic forum meeting in Dalian in September 2011 says about economic Crisis in US and Europe on asking by audiences, "the two advanced economies in the world, the European union and the US should adopt promptly amend resolutely responsible fiscal and financial policies and push forward policy adjustment and institutional reforms as soon as possible so as to cut budget deficit and ease debt pressure."
International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reported  that by 2016, China will have the largest economy in the world. Being separated from the so called war on terror by US, the China is progressing well while India is engaged in hobnobbing with America in many ways although its economy is progressing well in the last few years. Indian must be cautious of America's evil design and take a lesson or two from China to continue its march towards development unmindful of American imperialist theory.

kksingh is a columnist, analyst.

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